How is everyone? I had another great week here! I really like this area and I really like my companion. This transfer is going to be awesome. This week I got to know more of the area, I met all of the members that live in our area and I met all the investigators we have. Even though Corrientes is one of the hardest places in the mission, we are doing pretty good! We have 3 investigators progressing towards baptism right now. Although, only one came to church this week. My companion, Elder Morales, is one of the funniest humans I have met and we have a riot together. We are always laughing and makes the days pass faster and we are always super happy. This week we had a lot of lessons with our investigators that we have and we spent some time with the members so that I could met everyone. And of course, we knocked a lot of doors. P days are the best here.. All of the missionaries that in Corrientes met up in the mall center and we talk and eat subway for like 3 hours, it is awesome. For 3 hours of the week, I feel like I am in the USA. haha.
On tuesday I had quite a bit of a scare. I have had a little bit of a cold recently, but on tuesday night when we layed down to go to bed, I got a super bad fever of 103 degrees and my body was like shaking as if I was super cold. The zone leaders came down to our apartment and we called the mission president, and we put bags of ice all over my body until the fever went down. The zone leaders stayed in our apartment the whole night watching me and changing the ice. I felt super bad because none of us slept at all and the zone leaders had to work the next day. But all is well now, I am completely healthy and its over and gone!
The church here is super great, we have awesome members and we have really good teaches for all the classes. I love being in the same building as our zone leaders, the four of us are all really good friends. Elder Morrin is from Utah, and Elder Pacheco is from Chile, and then Elder Morales and I. We wake up a half an hour early every morning and go running. Every night in the half of hour of from time we have we go up to their apartment and we talk with them, it is really fun.
I found my new favorite scripture this week.. Mark 8:34-37. It explains to us the way to follow Christ.. The way we follow Christ is we forget ourselves, we forget what we want for ourselves and we completely focus our time in others. When your mind changes from the needs of youself to the needs of others, that is when we most find ourselves. That is when our life has most meaning we receive the most, while at the same time we are giving to others. I like how the scripture says ¨take up your cross¨ and follow Christ. To me that means to do your daily grind without complaining, and work your heart out in a good cause. I truly believe that if our life is focused in a higher purpose, following Christ, we will be happier people. And the way we follow Christ is devoting our lives to helping others and building up the church of God here in the earth. Its all about where your mind and your purpose is focused. Good scripture!
Well I am loving being a missionary. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Miles